Monday, August 18, 2014

Instant Regret

Do you ever crave something {or someone} so badly that you must have it {him} and then you get it {him} and instantly know you made the wrong choice?

Welcome to the constant struggle of my life.

On Saturday night I found myself alone, watching "Tangled" on ABC Family and craving ice cream. This is a true story. Because I did not want to put on clothes to go to the grocery store, I went to Sonic and ordered a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Master Blast. This treat is new to me and I must say it was delicious... at first. Two hours later, I laid in bed trying to sleep as my body metabolized all of the sugary goodness of my late night treat. I basically did not sleep. My brain was at war with my body in a fight to stay cool and comfortable which just didn't happen. Instant regret.

Similarly, on Thursday I craved something a little different but did not actively pursue anything. I know that if I had pursued something, it would have happened and the whole weekend would have been full of feelings of regret. Definitely not peace. Not contentment. Not happy. Not satisfied. Not special.

Instant. Regret. 

I'll gladly take the feeling of food regret over the disappointing, disapproving feeling of emotional regret. I guess this is one difference in maturity. Often, I think I have not matured in the past few years and then a stumbling block appears. And I choose differently. I choose myself over temporary relief.

"We all have regrets, but it's important to learn from them and not dwell on the things you cannot change." - Hannah Hart, "My Drunk Kitchen"

What a positive note to start the week off with! Or not... I'm not quite sure. Here's to making choices that are not followed by instant regret. I hope your weekend was full of mature, happy choices or at least fun choices!


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