Thursday, July 17, 2014

I finished!

Finally, I finished "Orange is the New Black." I don't know exactly what I think. Did I learn some new stuff about the prison system? Yes. Do I respect being in control of my own life choices? Yes. Was I captivated by this memoir of prison? No.

I watched the first season of the series on Netflix. There was drama and sex and things that make television, television. This book looked at each of the characters as someone removed from their life. Empathy was there a little bit but not completely. I felt like it was a very surface look at lives that are affected by prison. 

I learned just as much about prison from watching a vlogbrother's video about prisons

I am glad that I read the book. My reading list is just soooooooo long that I feel I wasted my summer time of light reads with a very serious one. That is my fault. It was my decision to read it, of course, instead of "Paper Towns" or "The Vacationers" or some other book that is light and easy to read.

If you feel that your life needs a little perspective or maybe you have been accused of taking life for granted, read this book. Or visit a third world country. The book made me grateful for my life and the fact that besides drinking and driving in my early 20s, I have not tempted the law. I am now very aware of the fate of a lawbreaker and will think twice about certain decisions.

"Paper Towns" by John Green is next on my list. I've read one chapter. I look forward to blowing through it on my flight home from Michigan Saturday morning. What book are you reading? What would you like to read? Here are a few summer reads I've added to my list...

Okay? Okay. Let's get to reading.


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