Sunday, September 11, 2005

happy birthday to me :)

today i'm 20 years old. wow. no longer a teenager. kinda weird but at the same time it probably doesn't really make that much difference. 19 and 20 are just filler years awaiting the big 21 so yeah, nothing to special. anyway..weekend recap anyone? ok here goes:

thursday: went to band and then proceeded to new person initiation. we had to wait a long time for those little darlings to show up but it was cool b/c laura and i got to talk. then i went to double dave's and split a pizza with ashleigh while doing a gourdhead thing. yay new gourdheads are on the way. :) i hope that they are all happy about getting a bid and will gladly accept it. then i went over to posse and chilled there for a lot later than i had anticipated. we watched a drunk guy get arrested b/c he was walking in the middle of the street. bad move buddy. bad move.

friday: went to class. saw some friends while walking inbetween classes. that always makes me smile for some reason just b/c it's nice to see a familiar face when the student body is soooo freakin huge here. i always like it when people make it a point to say hi to me. it makes me feel special. but ANYWAY, my mom came into town so i had lunch with her which was nice. z tejas es muy bueno. friday night i went to see "the exorcism of emily rose." not at all what i had expected. i don't think anyone knew exactly what the movie was about. they probably just thought that it was going to be a scary movie. not so. it was a trial movie with flash backs to the freaky stuff which wasn't that strange just b/c it was a pg-13. nothing too crazy but still, i don't like watching that kind of movie so i tried to find the humor in parts that were supposed to be scary. after the movie, laura, megan, tom, kevin and i went back to laura and megan's to just hang out. that was fun. i stayed too late yet again. i had to be up at 6 the next morning to go to ohio and i stayed at laura's until 4. one hour of sleep later, saturday happened.

saturday: got up from my nap, and headed to the band hall. to ohio we went. man, there isn't anything particularly special about ohio. i'm glad i don't live there. but the football game was pretty awesome. it was a really good, tense game for the entire game it felt like. i don't think i ever relaxed. i watched every play too which hardly ever happens. i haven't intently watched a football game like that recently. the stadium is massive and seats over 105,000 people. they only gave texas 4000 tickets so needless to say, we were ridiculously outnumbered by people wearing red and grey. it was the loudest stadium ever. i was quite intimidated so i can only imagine what the football team felt. luckily they didn't let it get to them and did what they had to do. they might have caused a couple heart attacks along the way, but whatcha gonna do? so after the game, we boarded the buses and headed to the airport. i fell asleep b/c of the lack of yellow meal. :( the kfc people got lost. yeah right. more like they were bitter and wanted LHB to starve. so yes, i returned to my room in austin at about 630 this morning and proceeded to take a much needed shower before i crashed.

sunday: today is my birthday! i slept. i did homework. went to kaplan. returned to pretty pink daisy's from my beautiful roommate katelyn and now i'm about to do my homework and hope that someone else might bring me something pretty. :) j/k. thanks to everyone who messaged me to tell me happy birthday. i feel loved and very special. y'all rock. so now i'm going to dive into o'chem. peace out playas.

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