Tuesday, May 24, 2005

snoop a loop

wow am i in a weird mood or what? today has been an awesome and strange day all at once. it's finally summer and grades are in and i didn't fail college. yay. my grades aren't maybe as good as i would like them to be but whatever, i know now what i have to do to do better at learning and next semester, i will do just that. was that sentence a runon? hmm?? i used to be very good at grammar. ANYWAY, today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. yay them. my dad (being in retail) had to work a 12 hour day so my mom and i hung out all day long. we shopped big time. we started at sam moon where i got a purse and jewelry for mom. we then hit up stone briar and the cheesecake factory for lunch. it was awesome. after seeing all there was to see at that mall, we headed south to willow bend. my mom got shoes, i got jeans, we said hi to my cousin at "sci tech." it was a great time. then we hit up some stores at the park and preston shopping center before finally returning home to the comfort of the couch and "friends" on the tv. love that show. ok so i watched "one tree hill" and whoa...like weird things happened. i think i'm going to rent the whole first season and watch it this summer b/c i wasn't a one tree fan back then and there is a lot that i've missed. that will be summer project along with physucks. YAY. so i went on a run tonight and that was fun, not. i'm not a fan of running but i know i should do it so i'm trying to learn to like it. alrighty then, i've been babbling for a while sooooo........peace out gangstas.

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