Wednesday, April 20, 2005

it's hump day

happy hump day to everyone. congratulations. you made it to the middle of the week. :) "alias" is on tonight and instead of watching it, i will be doing chemistry. YAY!!! j/k. the internet here at srd went out last night. thank you stupid girls who do not have virus protection and ruined my ability to be on the internet last night. i guess the one good thing about it was that i went to bed early b/c there was nothing else to do and i was really tired. i love sleep. it's so wonderful. i make the most of it when i get the opportunity to sleep until i naturally wake up. its a good thing and one of my favorite things. another one of my favorite things is bbq sauce. i love that stuff on basically any type of sandwich. yummy. you should try it. today in history class we started talking about the kennedy administration and then LBJ getting sworn in and stuff and my prof had put a picture on the powerpoint and it was a picture that my grandpa took. he was a photographer for the AP and covered LBJ's presidency. my mom got to go to his ranch when she was little and wear LBJ's cowboy hat. neat right? actually a lot of my grandpa's photos are at the museum in dallas about the assasination of kennedy. so that's my interesting fact for the day. i should go and do chemistry now..i hope it doesn't pour on me, (it was thundering earlier.) have a wonderful night!

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