Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hi Hello Hey

I listened to a podcast recently where the guest said something along the lines of "stop wishing for things you want and be grateful for the things you have" and it has re-emboldened my "wish" to blog into the action of blogging.

celebrating 32 with my sister
The last post on this blog was about turning thirty and the apprehension around it. I just had my thirty-second birthday last week, and I am great. I'm happy and comfortable and challenged at work and frustrated with the world and grateful for the relationships I have with my friends and family. I'm sure there are a lot of other feelings but those are the most top of mind.

Being the analytical, type A, Virgo that I am, my biggest challenge with creative outlets is the need want for it to be perfect. Perfect in execution. Perfect in plan. Perfect in consistency. Perfect aesthetically. Perfect in content. Evidently perfection can not be the goal as it is unrealistic so instead, I'm embracing the ability to evolve, learn, and fine-tune.

Blogging / design inspiration right now is a solid mix of the following reading material -

Paige Forrest | Price Life Adventures | Liz Adams | World of WanderlustBucket List Narratives

I am passionate about wellness and travel and personal style and Disney, among other things. But those are the aspects of my life I feel I can speak to, have definite opinions and advice to share with the world. It is my hope that blogging will help me to tell better stories. To think through the elements before saying "you have to do this because I did it." To say "you have to do this because this is how I felt when I went through it and this is how I feel today knowing that I had that experience."

#wod #strengthtraining
To explain the intensity of my love of planning, I give you the following example. I love binge watching shows just as much as any person. This summer I made it my goal to catch up on the #arrowverse. What's the Arrowverse, you ask? Well, it's all of the DC comics super hero shows that are currently on The CW. I started with Arrow on July 10th and am now concurrently watching Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow. Because they all cross-over with one another. And because, I like a challenge. 

I also have a bullet journal (seen above) that I use to create status trackers for television, movies, and workouts. One of the major lessons I learned from CrossFit is to track workouts and weights so, that is a steady constant even when I'm not doing a CrossFit specific workout. Super fun!

And that concludes this update on my life and goals and hopefully will force me to follow through more often.

I look forward to putting all my opinions and experiences out there on the Internet for people to randomly stumble across when putting my name in google. Hopefully it'll be a positive process for us all.


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