Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I'm late! Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Due to the fact that I did not get home until midnight last night, I'm late on my YouTube Review. 

Here are some of the gems that were posted in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day by the three lovely, hilarious ladies I can't get enough of. You have to start with Mamrie's video in order to get the full effect of the next two. I promise it's worth it. 

There is nothing more spectacular than a genuine reaction to something potentially bad happening. I've watched this video several times and each time, I laugh.

I think Hannah doesn't understand how quarters works...

Everyone loves a good limerick.

Three friends got together to have fun.
Something bad happened that made one want to run.
Hannah kept chill while Grace lost her sh*t.
The accident turned into a good little bit.
And now the drinking is done.

Yeah, I struggled for that last line. You come up with a limerick. It's kinda hard.

Hope you had a safe and happy St. Patrick's Day!


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