Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Bumbershoot 2014, A Quick Recap

Because yesterday was Labor Day, I took a day off. So, Mondiary is now Tuesdiary for the purpose of this blog. What did you do over the three-day weekend? I went to Seattle for Bumbershoot and it was fantastic. Exhausting, but fantastic.

My cousin lives in Seattle because he is a fancy man so I am incredibly grateful for the free place to sleep and shower and play Mario Kart and eat piroshki made by my cousin's fiancé.

Saturday was a full day of music and teenagers and comedy and standing in lines and eventually a bus ride home. 

On the floor for Panic! At the Disco #terrifying

Space Needle at Night
Sunday we saw Doug Loves Movies, the podcast I am most loyal to and love the most. I actually won Doug's Twitter contest to guess who the panel would be. Score!

The "ghost" panel for Doug Loves Movies
Doug Benson, 'Werner Herzog,' Rory Scovel, W. Kamau Bell & Ken Jennings (L:R)

Free Lattes at the Starbucks Gold Lounge

Monday we saw Capital Cities and they put on an amazing show. Their energy and ability to keep the crowd engaged made seeing them an awesome experience. They got the crowd to jump and grapevine and also to take their shirts off. No lie.

Capital Cities
Next we went to Paul F. Tompkins portray H.G. Wells in his podcast where he interviews other comedians impersonating authors. It was pretty funny. He did break out in to a chorus of "Skyfall" which rounded out the whole thing quite nicely.

Queued Up for Dead Authors Podcast with Paul F. Tompkins
We also saw Neon Trees and Foster the People but evidently I only took video and my phone was in a constant state of almost dead. I am currently trying to piece together a vlog post on my YouTube channel with snip-its from the shows we saw.

I had an excellent weekend being a festival person even though I am continually terrified by teenagers. Before the past couple of weeks with the No Filter Show and then Bumbershoot, I didn't understand why YouTubers would be overwhelmed or freaked out by a mass of teenagers. Now I understand. I'm on the same page, people. Teenagers all fangirl crazy are terrifying. I need to stick to 21 and up shows so if they can make a festival that is 21 and up, I'm in. :)

I hope you had a magical Labor Day and I guess it's time to put my one white dress in the closet until spring... maybe. It's summer in Dallas until October so I may bend the rules a little bit.


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