As much as I try to come up with blog ideas, sometimes my brain turns to mush and I found these Beauty Q&As on Zoella's blog from like the beginning of time so I decided I would try to answer them too! Isn't that fun? Heck yes it is. What is my theme for Thursdays? Throwback? I think this counts. It's from 2009. :)
Via |
- What’s your favourite eye shadow colour to wear? Half Baked & Bootycall from the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette. I like neutral colors with gold undertones.
- What’s the one product you would not leave your house without? I don't leave the house without an EOS lip balm pod thing. Currently I'm rockin' the sweet mint one but I like the lemon one as well. The really fruity ones are often too sweet for me.
- What’s your favourite makeup look ? Winged eyeliner! I haven't fully figured it out but I want to be awesome at it. I should practice more...
- Which feature do you play up the most? My hair or my boobs. I'm single. Don't judge.
- Which feature do you try to downplay/cover up? My teeth. I got dealt a fairly annoying genetic mouth situation so there's some plaque and discoloration. Whitestrips can only go so far.
- Your favourite makeup brand, if you could pick only ONE to exist? Urban Decay. I'm obsessed with their palettes and I could learn to love everything they make.
- Which product have you re-purchased OVER and OVER again? Benefit They're Real Mascara because it actually works really well and my eyes look open and feel open after putting it on. I still enjoy trying all of the new drugstore mascaras but so far nothing compares to this magical product.
- Which product would you NEVER repurchase again and why? Diorshow Black Out Mascara. For the cost, it doesn't live up to the hype. The applicator is bulky and the formula appears clumpy.
- One beauty treatment you would always PAY to have done? Pedicures. I'm terrified of cutting my own cuticles. I also enjoy someone rubbing my feet. Sooooo relaxing.
- One beauty treatment you would NEVER pay to have done? Fake eyelashes. I'm not the kind of person that needs to have crazy eyelashes every day. If I need more drama, I'm fully capable of putting them on myself.
- One beauty trick you can share with everyone? Keep Q-Tips handy for touching up around your eyes after putting makeup on. It's really easy to dip one end in makeup remover and use it to get rid of any shadow or liner that appears out of place.
- Best advice you've ever been given regarding beauty and makeup? Wear makeup because YOU want to wear. Not because you're trying to impress a guy or a girl or your mom. Wear it because it makes you feel pretty or put together or confident. Also, moisturize.
I now tag anyone who reads this post to answer these same questions! What are your favorites? Least favorites? Splurges?
Now off to Sephora to check out what's new!
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