Friday, October 21, 2005
so here's the deal
inspired by darrell - i wish that i too had a camera phone to take pictures of the oddities that i see on a daily basis. i laugh at something every day when i'm walking to class. the strangest most random things happen and i laugh out loud. i'm sure the person next to me has no idea what's going on but i know when i see something worth letting out a giggle for. like today, i saw a girl wearing full on winter clothes. it's austin hun. it's freakin 90 degrees in october. you aren't going to be able to wear those sweaters until january and even then, you can only wear them for like 2 weeks before the temperature starts rising again. weird i know but it's the truth. it kinda saddens me b/c i LOVE fall/winter clothes. winter here only lasts like 3 weeks. of course that's not true. it lasts longer than that but it feels like 3 weeks.
anyway - i hope that your day has gone smoothly and that the weekend is even better. go horns. beat the hell outta tech. or should i say "tceh." you really shouldn't make spelling mistakes at football games when you are being watched by the competition. :) peace.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
what a long weekend
thursday: high point, posse and i was really talkative and it was fun. low point, lhb rehearsal full of a show that we didn't do this weekend instead we worked on the show for the tech game. wtf.
friday: low point, class. high points, my camera got better. i had a date with shelby. megan cash's party and don came with me. it's always nice to play catch up with people.
saturday: high point, game day. low point, game day with lack of sleep. high point, party hoppin with ashleigh and chili's w/vitamin and laura.
sunday: low point, lhb mandatory "volunteer" event. high point, getting to play at an NFL game. go saints go.
i have so much statistics hw to do it isn't even funny. i absolutely loathe that class b/c the teacher treats us like children. really annoying. i have a new fascination with the oc soundtracks. they're mellow enough to just put them on and i don't have to think about what i'm listening too. i like that kind of music for studying purposes. i am to easily distracted when i know the words to every song that i'm listening too. anywho, colorado pictures have been posted and more ou pictures are on their way once i get my roll of film developed. :) hope you kids had a kickass weekend and will have an easier time catching up on your sleep than i will. peace.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
so confused
Monday, October 10, 2005
good times
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
thursday: posse. bunch tequila night. my friends got very drunk to the point of disgusting. poor fellas. hopefully it'll never happen again, for their sake. bryan, thomas, ashleigh and i were the first four gourds to arrive and the last to leave posse that means that we're more badass than everyone else in gourd. j/k. i think everyone in gourd is badass. :) smile. it's good for you.
friday: class seemed to go forever. i was quite tired all morning which is my own fault but when i'm tired like that..i seem to run behind in everything. i watched the oc after lunch and then decided i had to go to wolf's and see how much it would cost to get my camera fixed b/c it's broken. *tear. the girl told me $130 and i said "forget that shit" b/c i can pay for half of a $200 camera and my parents will pay the other so...hence a new camera will soon be in my possesion. i then proceeded to be late to soccer practice that was at five. i impressed myself with how well i can still touch the ball even though i haven't played soccer for like a year. i was expecting everything to be off and i would have to work extra hard, not the case. i'm pretty freakin awesome. yeah i know, i'm bragging but i'm allowed to b/c this is my blog and i can write whatever the heck i feel like. :) so i came home from soccer and then went to sonic with my pal vitamin. we chatted about the happenings of the night before (tequila night) and other happenings of the universe. i then came home and watched another of my taped shows from thursday night. i was late getting in the shower and so i was late getting to ashleigh's to walk to bass waste/tenor trash. bwtt was pretty wicked awesome i must say. i'm glad that i didn't have to walk to the bandhall drunk off my ass at 4 in the morning like some people but whatever. i had fun.
saturday: after sleeping in at ashleigh's, i came home and turned on the tv to watch us beat the hell outta mizzou. i watched maybe 10 minutes before falling asleep right where i was sitting. needless to say i didn't see most of the game. i woke up for the half time report and the beginning of the third quarter but completely missed the rest. from what i heard, the refs sucked and we got a lot of penalties and should have beaten mizzou by a lot more than we did so go us. saturday night i went to dinner with shelby, kevin, aziz (sp?) and well myself. we ate dinner cheap and then splurged for cheesecake at cheesecake factory, WHICH WAS AWESOME. mmm...nothing like rich oreo cheesecake before DOT initiation. i was sooo full and didn't feel like doing anything but whatever. i was a good sport. better than some...who shall remain unnamed but anyone who was there knows exactly of whom i'm speaking of. i then went to ashleigh's group party for like an hour. i was soooo exhausted.
sunday: woke up. ate chinese with vitamin. went to the texas v. a&m soccer game to see my cousin. we won. sorry linda. i then went and saw ashleigh's adorable dog, kiwi. i wish i could be with my dog right now. :( oh well, maggie will get by without me. i do love her though. so yeah... i went to kaplan tonight and learned a whole year's worth of chemistry in 3 hours. yay fun stuff. i really need to be studying right now so i'm going to ignore the fact that my favorite show in the world (grey's anatomy) is coming on and do my genetics problem sets. whooooop. j/k.
questions to leave with: is the a&m football just that bad that they had to go into overtime yet again against baylor?? why am i attracted to boys that are clearly wrong for me?? where have all the cowboys gone? j/k on that one. ok peace out playas.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
i = sad
yes so i'm completely wasting time before my organic test at 4. i'm skipping philosophy today b/c i figured it's better to waste time here around my organic book than in class where i would be sleeping right now. i'm just not motivated in philosophy to try very hard. it's all a bunch of circles and nothing is definite and it's all based on opinions. not for me. on the other hand, i'm really enjoying organic but i hear that it just gets impossible. whatever i'll deal.
listened to n'sync celebrity this morning on my way to the union to study with racquel. really got me excited for the day. and what a day it is!!! freakin 80 degrees outside instead of that hot weather that made me want to take a shower every instant that i walked outside. i actually got a chill when i stepped outside this morning. what a different sensation! all it took was ashleigh complaining about the heat for cool weather to finally come to austin! yay.
my back hurts like whoa. i need to find a chair massage stat. it keeps spasming between my shoulder blades. weird right?
i talked to my sister last night. i hope school isn't too difficult this year, OH WAIT - she's only in one real class. the rest are theatre/choir/dance classes that might be time consuming, but not intellectually challenging. this weekend is homecoming. yay. homecoming was always kinda stressful for me. senior year especially but whatever. i think chandelle is by far the best dance and the most fun but that's just my opinion. at my high school chandelle is the junior/senior girls ask guys dance that isn't school sponsored. the two years i went it was at the gypsy tea room in downtown dallas. pretty flippin sweet. i had a lot of fun. that was just a random anecdote.
i think i need to get back to my organic book. i know it misses me.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
thursday: posse, beta/bunch pledges did silly things. i stayed out too late.
friday: took a stats test on very little sleep with very little preparation. printed pictures. chilled. mello club night. made new friends (hope i remember all of their names tomorrow and more importantly, hope they remember mine.) watched hurricane rita on the news from the time we got back until like 430.
saturday: slept in. lunch with ashleigh. shopping with ashleigh. disappointed in the mall at present. studied. shower. taco bell. new gourd party. very impressed with how the evening went. made more new friends. experienced something new and different.
sunday: slept. ate poptarts for lunch. am currently studying for PCAT and watching the cowboys play football. not going to acl tonight to see coldplay :( but oh well there will be another time.
i hope you liked the abridged version b/c i'm just to lazy right now to write out my thoughts at every one of the points made above. the pictures from new gourd are on the website under LHB 2005 at the end. they are courtesy of ashleigh b/c like the idiot i am, i forgot my camera. new "desperate housewives" and "grey's anatomy" tonight. i'm psyched.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
i like coldplay
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
when you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
b/c you like to read what i have to say
Q: Guys: Honestly...what's up with the commitment issue?
An answer given by a guy: i'm scared, but maybe that's just me. besides, no one is ever really sure of what they want, and being afraid of either losing something or missing something greater can lead people to irrational decisions, that though better for the individual, leave the victims is painful dissarray; but such is the cost of life, living, and love. just don't find yourself on the down side of it, i think thats the key. and maybe i have no idea what im saying and should be disregarded
i think i'm going to tackle this in two ways, first - commitment when it comes to friends and secondly - commitment when it comes to boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. i'm not really going to answer the question though. the question and the answer given just got me thinking about what other people think and how people in relationships have over come these issues. so pressing onward, commitment when it comes to friends. i think, especially in my life, that being committed and LOYAL to your friends is a constant struggle. i don't know if boys have problems with this, but girls are each other...even when they are friends. it is SO HARD to find amazing girl friends that will love you and make you feel needed and all that jazz. in the past, i have gotten shatted on so many times by my "friends." going away to college was a great thing for me b/c it allowed me to find new people to accept me and want to learn all about me. it was also really FREAKIN' scary b/c it's really hard to know who to trust when you are trying to figure everyone out. i mean, do you ever just know, i mean, just get the feeling that some girl doesn't like you and it drives you absolutely crazy b/c you don't know what the hell you did to piss her off??!!?? maybe i'm paranoid or maybe i'm just intimidated, i don't know but it took me until spring semester to know who my friends are (as far as girls go.) guys are so much easier to be friends with. i mean they are laid back and for the most part honest with you. sure they know exactly how to exploit anything that makes me look stupid (for instance my nickname snart- if you don't know the story too bad) but that's what makes you laugh so it's all in good fun. i just think that if guys can show commitment to their shouldn't be that much harder to show at least the same kind of commitment to a girlfriend. sure it's scary and you might get hurt. but friends can hurt you too and sometimes it's worse.
now to boyfriend/girlfriend commitment issues. i think right now it's really hard to know what i want. of course i see my future with a husband and family on down the road, but right now? do i want to meet mr. right during my second year in college and have a dating relationhip that lasts for the next five years until i graduate and can get married? i just don't know about that. of course it would be nice to date. to see what's out there. to feel wanted by a boy. to be looked at like you are the only person in the world to them. yeah. that would be nice. it would be great to know that at least one person wants to talk to you and look at you and be with you. i'm really torn between remaining single and confused all the time about who i have little crushes on or which guy showed me attention and little stuff like that - OR - to be in a relationship having to make time for the person when there is sooo much to do but also getting to be with that person. there are positives and negatives to both sides of course but i guess when i finally find my match, i won't have to think about all of this stuff. everything will fall into place (maybe with a little work) but still, i shouldn't have to convince myself to be with someone if i TRULY want to be with them. just saying. so just to recap. yes it's scary to think about being in a relationship with someone b/c you never know what could happen, but at the same time it's comfortable and wonderful to know that someone has seen something in you that makes them want to be with you and talk to you and respect you for the wonderful person that you are. now this "just don't find yourself on the downside of it" business - have you never let yourself fall for a girl? b/c how do you stay on the upside of the whole thing if you never let yourself be attracted to someone? there's no fun in that. sure nothing may come of it, but having a crush on someone is fun and entertaining. maybe that's just me but i thought i'd throw that out there.
so think about it. commitment. is it the commitment boys are afraid of or is it just an excuse to give the girl asking for the commitment?
wow. i feel kinda like carrie bradshaw right now even though i didn't talk about sex. i feel like someone should be narrating my life at present. :) that wouldn't be annoying at all...........
Sunday, September 18, 2005
i think i need a break
good things:
-gourd initiation on thurs. and posse after. i mean when is posse not fun?
-trombone fantasy and alumni at posse on friday
-game day on saturday. we won. b/c we're awesome.
-gourd alumni party saturday night. good times. lessons were learned.
-sunday night with the girls. it's nice to hear other girls talk about their lives b/c then you don't feel as alone in the world. people need to talk to each other more so i don't feel like i'm an idiot all of the time. :)
bad things:
-it was really hot all weekend long.
-little sleep.
-it was HOT.
-i still have homework i need to do for tomorrow.
-complications with the opposite sex. and i say that not for myself but for others b/c some boys are just retarded and i'm disappointed in them at the present moment in time.
that's all.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
on a positive note, today kevin took me for ice cream b/c of my bad day and that was awesome. i also listened to disney songs and sung at the top of my lungs. i don't care what the girls who live next door think of me. i like disney songs. they rock. i also watched almost famous and it still amazes me how many wonderful quotes are in that movie. and on that note...goodnight.
i dig music. I'M ON DRUGS.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
happy birthday to me :)
thursday: went to band and then proceeded to new person initiation. we had to wait a long time for those little darlings to show up but it was cool b/c laura and i got to talk. then i went to double dave's and split a pizza with ashleigh while doing a gourdhead thing. yay new gourdheads are on the way. :) i hope that they are all happy about getting a bid and will gladly accept it. then i went over to posse and chilled there for a lot later than i had anticipated. we watched a drunk guy get arrested b/c he was walking in the middle of the street. bad move buddy. bad move.
friday: went to class. saw some friends while walking inbetween classes. that always makes me smile for some reason just b/c it's nice to see a familiar face when the student body is soooo freakin huge here. i always like it when people make it a point to say hi to me. it makes me feel special. but ANYWAY, my mom came into town so i had lunch with her which was nice. z tejas es muy bueno. friday night i went to see "the exorcism of emily rose." not at all what i had expected. i don't think anyone knew exactly what the movie was about. they probably just thought that it was going to be a scary movie. not so. it was a trial movie with flash backs to the freaky stuff which wasn't that strange just b/c it was a pg-13. nothing too crazy but still, i don't like watching that kind of movie so i tried to find the humor in parts that were supposed to be scary. after the movie, laura, megan, tom, kevin and i went back to laura and megan's to just hang out. that was fun. i stayed too late yet again. i had to be up at 6 the next morning to go to ohio and i stayed at laura's until 4. one hour of sleep later, saturday happened.
saturday: got up from my nap, and headed to the band hall. to ohio we went. man, there isn't anything particularly special about ohio. i'm glad i don't live there. but the football game was pretty awesome. it was a really good, tense game for the entire game it felt like. i don't think i ever relaxed. i watched every play too which hardly ever happens. i haven't intently watched a football game like that recently. the stadium is massive and seats over 105,000 people. they only gave texas 4000 tickets so needless to say, we were ridiculously outnumbered by people wearing red and grey. it was the loudest stadium ever. i was quite intimidated so i can only imagine what the football team felt. luckily they didn't let it get to them and did what they had to do. they might have caused a couple heart attacks along the way, but whatcha gonna do? so after the game, we boarded the buses and headed to the airport. i fell asleep b/c of the lack of yellow meal. :( the kfc people got lost. yeah right. more like they were bitter and wanted LHB to starve. so yes, i returned to my room in austin at about 630 this morning and proceeded to take a much needed shower before i crashed.
sunday: today is my birthday! i slept. i did homework. went to kaplan. returned to pretty pink daisy's from my beautiful roommate katelyn and now i'm about to do my homework and hope that someone else might bring me something pretty. :) j/k. thanks to everyone who messaged me to tell me happy birthday. i feel loved and very special. y'all rock. so now i'm going to dive into o'chem. peace out playas.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
emery - "so i could see my breath"
iron & wine - "woman king"
mae - "the everglow"
rocket summer - "this is me"
nickel creek - "doubting thomas"
i know it's not a real post but i think you'll survive.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
so there ya have it, a liz random moment. i know you enjoyed it.
Monday, September 05, 2005
what a weekend
thursday = in the halls. need i say more? always a crazy night...
friday = hung out with a new friend and learned that my taste in music is severly lacking depth. damnit. hopefully i'll get that squared away.
saturday = first football game. the longhorns kicked ass and the other team lost to tcu. way to go guys. way to go. after the game i hung out at posse with some folks and then we went over to homer's. good times.
sunday = slept in for the first time in a very long time. met my aunt and uncle and cousin for dinner at chuy's. yum. then i hung out with some friends and we ended up talking until like 430 in the morning. thank goodness UT didn't have school on labor day. :)
monday = i slept in...again. now, i'm wasting all the time in the world by updating my itunes and updating this thing. hopefully i will get together with some people tonight to watch the miami v. florida state game. good thing i don't have class until 2 on tuesday/thursday.
it's been a very enjoyable first week back in school and the start of football season. hopefully the good times will continue on throughout the semester but that is highly doubtful with my current courseload. :( poop.
hope you have a wonderful day!! hook 'em. enjoy the pics from "in the halls"
Friday, September 02, 2005
-when walking to band last week, i saw a guy riding his unicycle around....strange
-rick perry came to lhb rehearsal in his cycling outfit...scandalous
-posse east
-mack brown took the time to come to band and tell us how awesome we are :)
-milkshakes at players
-new friends :)
-great music everywhere you go
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
first day
yes so anyway. just wanted to write something in here that wasn't a survey or lyrics to a song. so mission accomplished.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
thank you stephanie
I've consumed alcohol.
I've run away from home.
I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I don't like Bush because he is dumb.
I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up.
I am for Bush.
I listen to political music.
I collect comic books.
I am shorter than 5'5.
I think I'm ugly.
I shut others out when I'm depressed.
I open up to others easily.
I am keeping a secret from the world.
I watch the news.
I own over 5 rap CDs.
I own an iPod or MP3 player.
I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
I own something from Hot Topic.
I own something from Pac Sun.
I own something from The Gap.
I own something I got on e-bay.
I love Disney Movies.
I am a sucker for hair/eyes.
I don't kill bugs.
I curse regularly.
I paid for that cell phone ring.
I am a sports fanatic.
I have "x"s in my screen name.
I've slipped out an "lol" in a real conversation.
I love Spam.
I bake well.
I wear pajamas to school.
I own something from Abercrombie. (one long sleeve shirt)
I have a job. (had)
I love Martha Stewart.
I am in love with love.
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
I am self-conscious.
I like to laugh.
I smoke a pack a day.
I liked Perks of Being a Wallflower.
I liked Go Ask Alice.
I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
I can't swallow pills.
I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.
I eat fast food weekly.
I have many scars.
I believe in ghosts.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
I am really ticklish.
I see a therapist.
I take anti-depressants.
I love white chocolate.
I bite my nails.
I am comfortable with being me.
I play video games.
I'm single.
I'm in a relationship.
I'm married.
I've been lost in my own city.
I've seen a shooting star.
I've wished on a shooting star.
I've seen a meteor shower.
I had a serious surgery. (what qualifies as serious?)
I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
I have kissed a stranger.
I've hugged a stranger.
I've been in a fist fight.
I've been arrested.
Laughed and had milk or another drink come out of your nose.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
Made out in an elevator.
Swore at your parents.
Kicked a guy where it hurts.
Been close to love.
Been to a casino.
Been skydiving.
Broken a bone. (wrist)
Skipped school.
Saw a therapist.
Played spin the bottle.
Gotten stitches.
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
Bitten someone.
Been to Niagara Falls.
Gotten the chicken pox.
Kissed a member of the same sex.
Crashed into a friend's car.
Been to Japan.
Ridden in a taxi.
Been fired.
Ever had a crush on someone of the same sex.
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
Stole something from my job.
Gone on a blind date.
Had a crush on a teacher.
Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Been to Europe.
Slept with a co-worker.
Been married.
Gotten divorced.
Had children.
Been to Africa.
Driven over 400 miles in one day.
Been to Canada.
Been to Mexico.
Been on a plane.
Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Thrown up in a bar.
Eaten sushi.
Been snowboarding.
Been skiing.
Met someone in person from the internet.
Been to a moto cross show.
Lost a child.
Gone to college.
Graduated college.
Done hard drugs.
Had someone cheat on you.
Miss someone right now.
Taken painkillers when you didn't need them.
Snorted cocaine.
Ate shrooms.
Inhailed Nitrous.
Been in love.
Cheated in a relationship.
Woke up crying.
Cried yourself to sleep.
Peed from laughing.
Had sex.
Watched the guy/girl you liked make out with someone else.
Accidentally made yourself vomit.
Kept a journal for more than a year.
Read four novels in a day.
Worn sunglasses at night.
Kicked in a door.
Had sex with a celeb.
Done fashion modeling.
Know how to fence.
Lived in more than one country.
Only ever worked one job.
Been published in some form.
Worn the clothing of the opposite sex.
Hung out with friends while not wearing underwear.
Told someone all of my secrets.
Taken naked pictures of yourself.
Been in a long-distance relationship.
Made or modified your own clothes.
Been to Russia.
Have more than 20 pairs of shoes. (not counting flip-flops)
Like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
everyone likes summer
go longhorn baseball. win the college world series. hook 'em.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
snoop a loop
Saturday, May 14, 2005
i love songs about food..
There ain't no need to go outside
But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you this song
It's meant to keep you
From doin' what you're supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now
And we could pretend it all the time
Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside
But just maybe, hala ka ukulele
Mama made a baby
I really don't mind the practice
Because you're my little lady
Lady, lady love me
Because I love to lay here lazy
We could close the curtains
Pretend like there's no world outside
And we could pretend that all the time
Can't you see that it's just raining
There ain't no need to go outside
Ain't no need, ain't no need
Can't you see, can't you see
Rain all day and I don't mind
The telephone singing, ringing, it's too early
Don't pick it up
We don't need to
We got everything we need right here
And everything we need is enough
It's just so easy
When the whole world fits inside of your arms
Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm
Wake up slow, wake up slow
But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you this song
It's meant to keep you
From doin' what your supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now
And we could pretend it all the time
Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside
Ain't no need, ain't no need
Rain all day and I really, really, really don't mind
Can't you see, can't you see
We've got to wake up slow
-Jack Johnson "Banana Pancakes"
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
i know i should be studying...
Sunday, May 08, 2005
last night i saw my drum major swing around a stripper pole in his boxer briefs. if that isn't amazing, i don't know what is. matt/shan's party last night was quite crazy. playboy mansion themed parties are supposed to be crazy though. everyone in scandalous clothing and VERY strong punch and jello shots. i took one jello shot and thought my mouth was going to burn off. TOO STRONG. oh well it was my kickoff night for studying for finals. i'm now going to be stuck in my books until these tests are over with the exception of band banquet tomorrow. i have a pretty dress and pretty shoes and pretty earrings and everyone better say how pretty i am. :)
happy mother's day. if you haven't called your mom and wished her a happy day and said i love you than you are wrong. this is your reminder.
have a great day.
Friday, May 06, 2005
last day of classes
have you ever spent so much time on something that doesn't really matter? thefacebook is killing me. whoever came up with that, you're brilliant b/c i get to stay in touch with all of these people, but damn..i waste so much time on that thing. i has gotten so bad that i'm now friends with my second cousins. who has the time to look up second cousins? evidently i do. :( i think i need to prioritize better...
i have a newly discovered love..ben folds five. i never used to listen to them but recently i have been and they're great. have a wonderful friday all you crazy people.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
uh huh
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
the way to be happy is to like yourself and the way to like yourself is to only do things you are proud of.
a very smart man that dr. lewis.
Monday, May 02, 2005
on a lighter note, i love the new man committee t-shirts for lhb and i'm going to write what is on them. if you don't get it, then you aren't cool. j/k.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
what a weekend
thursday: my psych class got cancelled so i slept and then grace came rolling through austin with the pearce choir on their way to san antonio. i brought her some mexican food and chatted before going to band class. it was nice to see her. i hope that she had an awesome time on choir trip! yay!! no one went dancing b/c tbs and kky had stuff or people had other things so back to posse i went. posse was a little weird at first b/c all of these people were there watching the mavs game and taking up all of the tables. those jerks. posers. but after the mavs WON, everyone left except us cool band kids. paul and joseph ran away and had a deep conversation for what seemed the longest of time but hopefully everything is ok. the old gourds were at one table and we newer ones were at the other. i love my gourdhead friends. :) didn't get home until like 130.
friday: i was really tired. i went to my classes starting at 9 and then i went up to the bandhall to load flags and what not at 4 and then took a nap. i watched bridget jones diary after i ate dinner. actually it was the second bridget jones. good movie. really funny. i love colin firth. ahh..good times. if you haven't seen "the importance of being earnest" you should really check it out. it's funny. anyway...after the movie, i went to beta bunch toga party. no offense to the bunchers, but it was realllly lame until like 1 a.m. when people started showing up. i had a fine time though getting to talk to kevin vitamin. he's a swell guy. a lot of people actually wore togas and that was really cool. i took some pictures and they're on the website. good times. so i got home at 3.
saturday: BAND-O-RAMA. i woke up at 940. ate breakfast, found out that liz and brock are dating which is really cool. they're both really cute. anyway...full day of band rehearsals for the concert that last just short of two hours. i didn't get to eat again until like 4 or something. my stomach was not a happy camper. i met kevin thurston's parents and then shelby's parents later that night. whoot. AND THEN...after the concert, gourdorama happened and it was sooo awesome. if you didn't come, you missed out and i'm sorry. know that next year, you should come whether you drink or not. so it was out at the rugby football clubhouse. a ton of people drove out there even though everyone was exhausted from bandorama activities. i took some pictures there too. they're in the same folder as toga. it was sooo cold last night. like what the hell? it's may for pete's sake. we could see our breath. stupid texas weather. but yeah i had fun dancing like an idiot. rush and i were showing off our sea-walkin. it was hot. so i got home at about 330. i didn't sleep well.
sunday: woke up this morning at 840 to go with thurston back out to the scene of the crime to help clean up. we really aren't messy partyers which is good but we ended up cleaning up some left over rugby party trash. we're good kids what can i say. but then i came back to srd and wasted time until i had to go to a new man committee business meeting at 1230. that was fine. we got some work done i think. after that, i came home and crawled into bed and i just got up about 30 minutes ago. it's 630 right now. so basically i'm a bum. i'm a hungry bum too. it's about time for dinner. i think chipotle or something along those lines will suffice. so yeah, i'm tired and i made a mess so i need to clean my room. new "family guy" tonight. i'm excited. i hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well. :)
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
what a day
52845 CH 310M MWF 9-10 Bocknack
50385 BIO 325 MWF 12-1 Finklea
F 10-11
58470 M 316 MWF 11-12 i dont know the prof for this one
24595 ENS 207L Longhorn band
38205 HIS 315K TTH 930-11 -this class will change to some type of world history or classical civilations class
so yeah...anyway, i then go to my room and call my mom and tell her the news and then i yelled at my computer for being slow. and then i looked over my biology for the test that i had to take that night. but i then had to go to band and concert band is just so pathetic and silly and i'm looking forward to it being over. i think that it's funny how instead of paying attention to albert conducting, everyone was passing out flyers for the beta/bunch toga party on friday night and then the flyers for gourd-a-rama for saturday night. yeah we're upstanding citizens in band who don't do anything wrong. always "doing the right thing." so i have this weekend to look forward to at least. i think i'm going to go dancing again on thursday night with that crew. i had so much fun last time. i'm going to try and talk bryan or someone else to come with me. :) so yeah then my bio test happened. i'm a really fast test taker and finished in about 40 minutes. i hope that i did alright.'s all about sexual reproduction and plants. random i know but i think i did decent at least. after this i started the marathon studying for my chemistry test that is wednesday or today if you will. i'm still not done studying...just wasting time. i ran into carmen ulrich and she's in my class and we studied and talked and caught up and it was nice to talk to her. i also ran into zach warmbrodt. random but whatever. he has an article in the daily texan for tuesday of this week. so you should get yourself a copy and be impressed at his mad skillz. so yeah...i'm awake and it's waaaaaay past my bedtime. wooooot. time to tackle electrochemistry. wish me luck. i hope you have a wonderful night! big kiss. *muah.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
i love ....
good (or not so good) tv shows like "the o.c." "grey's anatomy" "one tree hill" "gilmore girls" "csi" "without a trace" "desperate housewives" "the fabulous life" and of course "family guy"
looooooong, hot showers
line dancing and texas two-stepping
laughing with awesome friends
making an ass of myself and not caring what other people think
mexican food
silly girl music - lindsay lohan, avril lavigne, ashlee simpson, michelle branch, kelly clarkson and occasionally hilary duff
chocolate chip cookies
shopping for pretty clothes
parties that have themes
chick flicks like "mean girls" "the notebook" "ever after" "13 going on 30" "10 things i hate about you"
LHB -big flag section leader 2005...hell yes
and sleep
i like cheerios
thursday: i went to midnight rodeo instead of posse. i missed you posse but i had sooo much fun dancing that i'm over it. i got my country dance on and met some awesome people. i loved it. we stayed until it closed at 2. good times.
friday: i watched movies and went to bed early b/c i had a full day of learning chemistry and i was worn out. i watched "i heart huckabees" and didn't really like it. it was soo weird and not at all what i had expected. i then watched "spanglish" which was a really good movie, but a tear jerker. it was sad but inspiring. i liked it.
saturday: full day of bandness. first i had a nmc meeting and got a nifty t-shirt. then it was off to fiesta flambeau. it's this parade in san antonio that is evidently a very big deal and i had no idea what to expect. it was awesome. it was a very loud parade with many drunk people watching it. good times. we got back to austin at like 11 so i went to wendy's with bryan, blake, and jarrod. whoot. we were all so tired so after bryan dropped me off at srd, i went to bed. this weekend has been all about sleep. sleep is awesome.
so there ya go. it was simple weekend but a really good one. i just felt like sharing.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
it's hump day
Monday, April 18, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
the longest one-syllable word in the english language is "screeched"
all of the clocks in "pulp fiction" are stuck on 4:20
isaac asimov is the only author to have a book in every dewey-decimal category
the symbol on the "pound" key (#) is called an octothorpe
charlie brown's father was a barber
On the cartoon show 'The Jetsons', Jane is 33 years old and her daughter Judy is 15
A full seven percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of Guinness beer
so there you go...enjoy
Sunday, April 10, 2005
well hot damn
thursday night: i watched "the o.c." b/c it's an awesome show and i love it. you would like it too if you gave it a chance. my mommy sent me tiff's treats which was awesome b/c who doesn't like warm cookies brought to you by an attractive delivery boy?? that's what i thought. i then went over to the south mall to listen to texas revue. one reason why i love going to ut is b/c of all of the diversity on campus. there was made extremely clear by the acts in texas revue. we started out with this indian dancing group which was amazing. they jumped around for what seemed an eternity. i would have been worn out about 1/4 the way through. there was also the chinese yo-yo club and HUM acapella. wow. it was sooo cool. AND of course potheads performed and they were WONDERFUL and HILARIOUS. they got a standing ovation from the crowd. it was well deserved. for those of you that have no clue what i'm talking about...potheads is a group from the drumline that put together this "stomp-style" ensemble. it was hella tyte. there should be a clip of it appearing on the texasdrums website sometime soon. and if not, there are clips of past performances on texastenors website. so yeah, you have no excuse to not check them out. you will be dazzled i assure you. i then went to posse with those crazy people. some of our normal posse goers were not there and that made me sad but it's all good.
friday: i went to class. oh yes. the joys of class. i did learn something that all boys should pay attention to especially if you use a laptop....and actually put it on your lap. you boys that do that are killing your sperm. just thought that you should know so you wont continue to kill your little spermies. laptops produce heat and sperm need a slightly cooler environment to develope correctly so yeah. don't do it. -that's biology for you. ok so then i went to SA town to see chris and blake's ska band perform at the place. evidently it's a place where all local bands perform and is a pretty cool high school hangout. i dont know whether i enjoyed the band or looking at the crazy high school outfits more. :) there was one girl that wore a corset with jeans and had slit her jeans right below her butt. that's class right there. hehehe. ok but yeah. chris and blake and the rest of the band did really well and i was proud of them.
saturday: i slept in as much as i could. i ate lunch, did some laundry, and watched some tv. i then went to texas revue again with bryan. i had no idea how crowded it was going to be so by the time we got there, we had to sit in the balcony but whatever. the show was great. by the time potheads rolled around, bryan and i were psyched and also nervous for them. the crowd really loved them though and they got a standing ovation yet again. at the end of the night, potheads was announced the overall winner of texas revue. WOOHOO!!! 2000 dollars for that win! i was soo proud. so what do you after you win? you celebrate. they decided to have a party at the tenor pad and i was glad they did. i'm not a big fan of frat parties and i was going to go to one unless they did something. i was quite relieved that i got to hang out with my friends rather than walk around a party full of strangers. so yeah it was a really good night.
today is sunday and like every sunday, i will be doing my chemistry lab and watching desperate housewives and now grey's anatomy. so i better get to work. have an excellent day!!!!
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
New York Junior Year

today i watched "queer eye for the straight guy" b/c we still have cable in our room. two thumbs up. the guys made over the sigma chi house at north texas. it looked amazing and they gave them like 4 racks of clothes from american eagle. i was a little jealous of those boys. i wish that i had four racks of ae clothes, completely free of charge. :( oh well. it was a really good episode and it made me laugh.
my section leader interview for lhb is tomorrow. i'm a little nervous. i hope that it's just delia interviewing instead of all of the directors but i'm probably wrong and i'm going to have to try to not be mortified. j/k. it won't be that scary. they are taking four section leaders and only four of us turned in applications. hooray for very good odds. there are a lot of great people going out for section leader in other sections i noticed. i hope all of my friends make it that way section leader camp is a little more bearable.
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back, even though you hung up on him, who thinks you are perfect even though he knows the worst things about you, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you're in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup, one who is constantly reminding you of how much he loves you and how lucky he is to have you, and the one who turns to his friends and says, 'That's her'."-Never lose hope for that
i came across this quote in one of my friend's facebook's and i thought that it was very true and would be absolutely wonderful if this could one day happen. i just thought that it was really sweet and it might not be wholly true about love or your idea of love but i like it. i think every girl hopes for a prince to come and sweep her off her feet, i know i do.
alright i gotta sleep for my test tomorrow. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
Sunday, April 03, 2005
stupid spring forward day
on a happier note, the pirate party last night kicked ass. i had soooo much fun eventhough i didn't drink. kudos to me. i got to drive shelby's car instead which was awesome b/c i love driving and not having a car this year has sucked. :( you never know how much you depend on something until the priviledge is taken away from you. BUT back to the pirate festivities. i was really proud and stunned at how seriously everyone dressed up for our little party. i think that shelby and i looked very pretty in our wench costumes. :) homer really went all out with the alcohol as well. i mean rum, and grog. what the heck is grog? i didn't have any but it did not smell good. i don't know how people were drinking that stuff but i guess that can be said about any alcohol. there's a picture up there with some pirate folk in it that i thought would be cool. i hope that it posts correctly. i'm new at this after all.
tonight i watched "grey's anatomy" and it is quickly becoming my favorite show. there is something about medical shows that i just can't get enough of. it brought me back to my week at medical camp or NYLF if you will. that whole experience changed my whole outlook on medicine and sometimes i wish that i weren't lazy and actually cared enough to make straight a's and apply to medical school, but i'm a slacker and medical school is not my goal right now. i think that i would enjoy being a doctor but at the same time, i think i would absolutely LOATHE the path to get there. i can't get excited about a 7 year residency where you don't get paid and are learning your "craft." i know when you look at the bigger picture, 15 years of school to learn a profession that you will do the rest of your life seems like a very small fraction of your life. too bad it intimidates me and also scares the shit out of me. it makes me sad to think that i'll never get to work on a cadaver but that makes most people sick so please don't think that i'm weird or something b/c of that. :) i'm intrigued.
i should get back to studying and reading my book for history class. woohoo. yay for learning.
Friday, April 01, 2005
april fools day
yesterday i went to posse like i always do on thursdays to be with my homies (yeah i know i can't pull that off) and it was overrun with all of these people for some adult swim thing. it was sooo crowded. it was a little annoying but i still got to see my friends and talk to them and learn new things. everyone is soo excited for the pirate party that is happening tomorrow night. it's going to be crazy b/c everyone is actually dressing up and we're going to drink pirate drinks and sing shanties. we're such nerds. you know you're jealous.
btw mashed potatoes are my absolute favorite and srd made my day at lunch by serving them. just thought you should know.
the song of the day is "move forward" by bethany dillon b/c elyse munselle has good taste in music. :)